Saturday, August 2, 2008

Trust in God

About six weeks ago, my wife and I moved to a new town. We're really enjoying our new house and our new situation. About the only negative I can report is that our old house hasn't sold yet. It's been on the market about two months, and in this very slow housing market in the U. S., that's not long enough to start worrying just yet. We've put the selling of our old house in God's hands, and I believe he will take care of it perfectly.

However, my human impatience still bothers me about this from time to time. How long can we make two house payments? (The answer is not very long!) Is it possible that there is no one out there who would be interested in our house? It's not really that bad, is it?

My wife and I were talking about this the other day, and she had some things to say that were very helpful to me. She said that God knows who he has planned to move into this house - someone who will love the good things about it. But, maybe this person or family isn't ready to buy yet. Maybe God has more to do with this person before they are ready to make the move. We just have to be patient that he knows what is best, and his timing is always perfect. She also made another point: If we're going to trust in God for something as big as salvation, can't we trust God for something as small as selling a house?

Good advice, I think. The human/carnal part of me would like to decide for God when our house should sell, but the spititual side of me knows that he knows what is best better than I do.

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